Acquiring Turkish Citizenship For Investors
As a result of the amendments in the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law, foreign investors have an opportunity for acquiring Turkish Citizenship. The minimum obligatory amount of Investment has been reduced on 19th September 2018, thus making “Investing in Turkey” more appealing for foreign investors. By investing in Turkey, not only the investors themselves, but also their spouse and children under age of 18 may become a citizen of Turkey.
Tuncer & Suzer Law Office has been providing law and legal advice for foreigners both in investment process and applications of citizenship for many years. Tuncer & Suzer Law Office investigates the investment opportunities in the interest of foreign investors and follows the necessary legal procedures. On behalf of foreign investors and their families, application of residence permit, followed by the application of the citizenship processes are provided by experienced lawyers and consultants of the Tuncer & Suzer Law Office throughout the process.
Together with our office located in Istanbul and our partners located in Ankara, we provide our clients right investment opportunities and legal support to finalize the citizenship application process in the most reliable and fastest way.
To get an appointment and detailed information about the investments and/or Turkish Citizenship application, please call our office at +90 212 294 47 46 and contact our Founding Partner Selin Süzer, Attorney at Law.
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The Investments and Details Required by Foreigners for Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship are as follows:
1- Foreigners identified for making a fixed capital investment in a foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum USD 500.000 by the Ministry of the Industry and Technology,
2- Foreigners identified for buying a real estate provided that it has an annotation “not sold” for 3 years on the registration of the title deed in a foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum USD 250.000 by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
3- Foreigners identified for providing employment opportunity for minimum of 50 people by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.
4- Foreigners identified for investing in banks in a foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum USD 500.000 providing that they must keep 3 years by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.
5- Foreigners identified for buying a government debt instruments for at least 3 years in a foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum USD 500.000 by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
6- Foreigners identified for buying a real estate investment fund participation share or venture capital investment fund participation amount for at least 3 years in a foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum USD 500.000 by Capital Markets Board.
Foreigners defined above may acquire Turkish Citizenship by decision of the President of Republic of Turkey provided that they do not have an obstacle about national security and public order.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What kind of a real estate do I need to buy to get Turkish Citizenship?
A: To get Turkish Citizenship, you need to buy a real estate with a minimum value of USD 250.000 and that has an annotation “not sold” to the title deed during 3 years. Real estate to be purchased can be a building, a flat or a plot. In case joint-owned plot is bought, the value of the share must be at least USD 250.000.
As Tuncer & Suzer Law Office, we provide a legal counselling for Foreigners to invest accurately and reliably and to purchase a real estate in order to secure sales agreements.
Q: Can I get Turkish Citizenship by investing in a bank?
A: The investor must deposit in foreign currency or Turkish Lira equivalent to a minimum of USD 500.000 into the bank account that is opened for himself. This account must be blocked by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency for 3 years. This amount of investment can be placed in a deposit account or a drawing account.
Q: My residence permit will end after 8 months, do I need to apply for a residence permit again for application of Turkish Citizenship?
A: Type of the residence permit is important for the application of Turkish Citizenship. You can not apply Turkish Citizenship with some type of residence permit like tourism, education, family residence etc. Only Foreigners who have a type of residence permit under sub-paragraph j can apply Turkish Citizenship.
Q: I invested in real estate and now I will apply for residence permit. Do I need to apply residence permit also for my family?
A: Only investor’s application of Turkish Citizenship is adequate. Other family members do not need to get residence permit under sub-paragraph j.
Q: Can my wife and children benefit from my application of Turkish Citizenship if I purchase a real estate in a USD 250.000?
A: One of the types of investment specified in Regulation is sufficent for the investor, his/her spouse and their children under 18 to apply the Turkish Citizenship. Children older than 18 must invest individually for the acquisition of the Turkish Citizenship.
Q: When I apply Turkish Citizenship as an investor, do I need to be in Turkey?
A: Investor may appoint a power of attorney to lawyers for managing the whole process of Citizenship application. Investor only must apply residence permit under sub-paragraph j himself. Since the process is based on trust, the power of attorney shall be given to expert and reliable lawyers.
Q: Is it possible that I may not get Turkish Citizenship despite fulfiling the neccesary investment procedures?
A: Security clearance is conducted on investors and investors are examined in the focus of Turkish national security and public order. If the investment’s amount is not wrong or insufficent, if investor passes the security clearance and every foreign investor may acquire the Turkish Citizenship.
Q: Can I make this investment with my money that is already present in Turkey?
A: Yes, you can make an investment with your Money that has been already deposited in Turkey. There is no obstacle for this.
Q: Do I have to personally make the commitments that have to be determined by the administrative authorities after making an investment?
A: Necessary commitments and blocked transactions can be conducted by the consultants after the investment. In order to proceed the prosess in a healthy and reliable way, transactions that based on trust should be made by the authorized lawyers.
As Suzer Law Office, Foreign investor’s investments are examined according to the demands and evaluated in scope of the national and international legislations. All the process of application of residence permit and citizenship is followed by ourselves in a fast and safe way.
Q: What do we need to do to work the process with you?
A: You can get support from our expert lawyers and consultants by the end of the investment and citizenship process by contacting our office.
Apply For Turkish Citizenship
Selin Süzer, Attorney at Law
E-mail :
+90 533 307 60 66
Adres : Nisbetiye Mahallesi Aytar Caddesi No:32/4 Etiler/İstanbul
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